Churches accelerating poverty? An Anti-Deductive Logic series by Tinashe Mapirazuva Religious and Moral Anal​ysis Part 1 Yes Papa! This is the newest lingo inthesegatheringsortoday’sPentecostalchurches.Hosea4verse 6 says, my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also willignoreyour children. This is coming from the old testament in the Bible and before we roast our chicken let us open the top shelves in the NewTestamenttoseeifwecanaddmoreheattothegrill.Absolutely,the chicken needs more heat. Matthew 24 verse 24 says, for false messiahs andprophetswillappearand perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible even the elect. These men are young, ambitious, energetic, clever and convincing. They wear shiny suits and designer shirts worn withoutatie.FurthermoretheyhaveagripofSwagandonecaneasilyrecognize their haircuts and afros. I’m starving, can’t wait for the chicken to be served. Recently, right here in Zimbabwe a certain youngmanclaimedmorethanoncethathespeakstoGodoverthephoneandhas visited his homestead in heaven. Interesting! What does this say about Zimbabwe? All ourproblems are gone right, because we now have a fellow brother from Zimbabwe who will take a shortcut and lay our problems right onto God’s table. Perhaps we can there is no more need forustopraytoGod whom we can’t see, since spiritual technology is at an advanced stage. Nonsense! This is absolute rubbish, please note that I am not judging but I am merely observing. These young men or inventors of spiritual technology are playing some kind of games. Take it this way, for one to access anAmericanVisa,ittakespatienceandmorepatiencebecauseitinvolvesalot of bureaucracy aimed at frustrating or crushing yourtravellinghopes.Now,ifwehaveZimbabweans working in top positions in the USA immigration offices, woulditstillbedifficulttoaccesstheUSA Visa and travel? Absolutely not, we expect a certain level of flexibility in their immigration procedures because of our fellow brothers in influential positions. Coming back to these young men claiming to beintimatewithGod,Ihaveonerequestforthem.CouldtheypleadwithGodtosolvethe cash crisis as soon as possible,couldtheyalsopleadwithGodtoblessourunemployedyouthevenin their churches, eradicate poverty and diseases? I would like to believe this does not take God ten minutes to grant us our request, looking at how he demonstrated his power bycreatingtheUniverse. Why can’t they do that? They claim to have gonetoheavenseveraltimesandspokentoGodontheir cell phones .But what troubles me is that why is it most of their miracles arenotsustainablemorally and economically. Can somebody tell me how drinking sewage, eating snakes, spraying congregants with intoxicants andprovidingmiraclecondomspossiblyreflecttheworksofGod.ThisisNonsense!. Zimbabweans are beingrobbedoftheirmoney,indaylightbytheseprophets.Theyarenotusingguns and knives to rob people but they are armed with malicious, corrupt, misinterpreted and unholy extreme ideologies to brainwash people. Why ask people to plant seeds, why emphasise theplanting of seeds instead the planting of sanity and morality. These young men are touchingwomen’sprivate partsbecauseofsomefunnyreasonslikedestroyingspiritualfeelings.Mindyou,theseguysareGod’s best buddies perhaps more than Abraham himself. They have God’s contacts saved in their phone books and they use spiritual airtime. These men should be arrested forthismoraldecadenceandsomeevenclaimedtohavewalkedontop of the water like Jesus. Please give me a break. This is mere abuse of people’s beliefs and morality. Let usworktogetherasapeoplewithacommoncultureandtraditionthatemphasisesonmoralityand humanity not this social religious child’s play. Prophets of today are money hungry. Brainwashing through the plant your seed rhetoric is what is happening in modern day churches.The old religion has been wiped off by the gospel of prosperity and marine spirits lingo.The government must provide true information about religious practices in schools so that the future generation does not get lost like what is happening with our generation of false prophets.Instead of praying for realistic issues like global warming and drug abuse,they waste our brother's and sister's time talking about things not important likeantimarriagespiritsandpulling stunts in front of the congregation. It is high time some people acknowledge that some people are married to their careers and have certain goals they want to pursue in their career .The only spirits in their churches are those brewed at Afdis,which are running in their veins. However churches are making money,so they probably do not drink cheap liquor,perhaps they love Henessy and expensive scotch whisky since they have money. We need doctors,lawyers,engineers and innovation in Zimbabwe not fake prophets. Who knows,maybe they are the reason why we are really feeling the heat.God is angry because of such behaviours. Lying that God says this and that to me,does not make you great.It leads you to hell.Eternal punishment is real and must be taught. The real gospel is alive and it must be found not the gospel of prophecy. Women are the victims in most cases because of their vulnerability. Womenmustinvestinentrepreneurialskillsanddevelopconfidencetostarttheirbusinesses.Thefake prophets are robbing the poor and desperate. Instead of paying rent,they are paying tithes to satanic cults not JESUS CHRIST.JesusChristisaliveandhiswrathshallfalluponthefakeprophets.Instead of praying for national problems,like fuel shortages,electricity,clean water and sanitation,we waste words and energy on things that do not matter.Poverty is real and must be addressed. These fake prophets,must stop their games and be banned. Institutions providing religious education,must not confuse people because they are the ones producing these theologians.These are people who have studied the bible,understood it and now use it to earn a living.Their career path is theological. Perhaps we must not blame them because it is a certain type of innovation in their fields of study .If one holds a degree in pharmaceutical studies,he or she might as well open a pharmacy and start selling drugs.According to pharmaceutical regulations,there are over the counter drugs (OTCs) and prescription drugs.If they sell prescription drugs over the counter,without asking for a formal prescription,who do we blame.We can only blame the owner ofthepharmacy.LikewisemodernchurchesmustnotacknowledgetheDivinecallingofan individual based on their academic and professional qualifications but on real divinity. The National day of praying introduced by the first family must be a milestone to reach greater heightsintermsofreligiousstrengtheningandteachingfuturegenerationsabouttrueworshippingthat heals the nation. It was better if the fake prophets,pursuing their theological careers acknowledge the existence of corporatesocialresponsibilitybecausetheirchurchesarelikeanationalhousing plan that does not exist but only robes the poor of their little hard earned moneys through the plant your seed rhetoric. Even the white garment churches,matter of fact they are no longer white.Some of their garments are like our Zimbabwean flag.Things have changed,we now see mapostori wearing many colours and they operate next to each other,the same way a Total garage operates next to Engen garage.The truth will be seen when they start paying taxes. Fake churches must be destroyed,"you stop it" although i am not yet a holder of a PHD degree ,be it legit or not.