No matter how much I strive, no matter how much I try, I will always be steps away from being good enough Disappointment and weariness adorning every step Like a tree on the highest peak, I will always long for appreciation I will be famished but never be filled, thirst but never be quenched Like a pawn in a game of chess, I don’t have sentimental value For I am just a drop in the ocean, a part of those who don’t deserve to be praised From the hilltops they will shout my name Echoes bouncing from the mountains, almost deafening I will make promises and never break a single one My good deeds will cheer me on from the crowds, Without hesitation they will still ignore my call Hand me over the throne, though I don’t look the part I can do it Like a fantasy I will disappear into thin air, without a heed to my call I am just a part of those who don’t deserve to lead Cupid my only hope, where are you hiding? From edge to edge I have been calling out for you, hoping you would answer Let the heart break it will heal again, let it taste the warmth of your gift one more time Strolling around with everything in the world, pleasures bursting from every corner Fun springing up like an unending tale, wealth caramelizes my life Though I still long for one thing to finally marinate my life for that burst of sourness I keep staring in the wind, arms already in formation to welcome you My eyes are growing weary, my feet are tired from the waiting Will you ever grace me with your presence? Or maybe I am just a part of those who don’t deserve to be loved Oh hear my cry, oh beloved nation lend me your ears Heed to my call as I plead my case, as depression oozes from my body All I ask is for a minute for you to pay undivided attention to my story The universe is my only witness and my testimony is my Advocate For once I put all my eggs in one basket, trusting in you to deliver the verdict I am just a hopeless victim feeding on the crumbs from your morsel of mercy I stand waiting for your counsel, impetuously you give your final word Grudgingly I trod back to my haven, tears and sweat being my accomplices All rise in court and take heed, here’s one of those who don’t deserve justice.